As anticipated in my previous letter, today
I want to discuss the topic of high or hyperinflation: What triggers
it? Is there a common feature in hyperinflations that would allow us to
see one when it’s coming? If so, can we make an educated guess as to
when to expect it? The analysis will be inductive (breaking with the
Austrian method) and in the process, I will seek to
help Peter Schiff find an easy answer to give the media whenever he’s questioned about hyperinflation. If my thesis is correct, three additional conclusions should hold:
High inflation and high nominal interest rates are not incompatible but
go together: There cannot be hyperinflation without high nominal
interest rates, b) The folks at the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee
will eventually be out of a job, and c) Jim Rogers will have been proved
wrong on his recommendation to buy farmland.
(Before we deal with these questions, a quick note related to my last letter: A friend pointed me to this article in,
where the problem on liquidity being diverted back to shareholders in
the form of share buybacks and dividends was exposed, before I would
bring it up, on my letter of March 4th. )
A forensic analysis on dead currencies
When I think of hyperinflation, I think of dead currencies. They are
the best evidence. There is a common pattern to be found in every one of
them and no, I am not talking of six-to-eight-figure denomination bills
or shortages of goods. These are just symptoms. Behind the death of
every currency in modern times, there has been a quasi-fiscal deficit
causing it. Thus, briefly, when someone asks: What causes
hyperinflations? The answer is: Quasi-fiscal deficits! Why have we not
seen hyperinflation yet? Because we have not had quasi-fiscal deficits!
What is a quasi-fiscal deficit?
A quasi-fiscal deficit is the deficit of a central bank. From Germany
to Argentina to Zimbabwe, the hyper or high inflationary processes have
always been fueled by such deficits. Monetized fiscal deficits produce
inflation. Quasi-fiscal deficits (by definition, they are monetized)
produce hyperinflation. Remember that capital losses due to the mark
down of assets do not affect central banks: They simply don’t need to
mark to market. They mark to model.